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Pat O'Donnely works cleaning toilets in the London office of a major international bank. But when he meets Rebecca, Matt and Jen - who work at the bank - he introduces himself as Rob, a consultant, from New York. So who is he, where is he from and what is he up to? 





The Cleaner

 by Alex Marx





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HSBC money laundering scandal

HSBC money laundering scandal

Leaked documents show that HSBC helped clients dodge millions in tax. So far only one has been prosecuted despite hundreds of names and figures being available.

Cyber Hacking

Cyber Hacking

Cyber hackers, using remote access tools (RATs), have stolen from a number of banks, with sums estimated at $300 million!

Robin Hood Tax

Robin Hood Tax

The Robin Hood Tax movement was a large inspiration for Cash Back & The Cleaner

The Financial Crash

The Financial Crash

A week by week breakdown of the events culminating the the 2008 crash.

The Occupy Movement

The Occupy Movement

Occupy have been the largest activist movement against global inequality, with people embracing their sentiments around the world.

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