SMITHFIELD is a short fiction film telling the story of Esme, a 13 year old girl sent out into the night streets by her anorexic and manipulative older sister on a quest to find her a peach. Instead she discovers a parallel world, both magical and threatening, which she has previously been protected from. Her adventure culminates in Smithfield meat market, where she is befriended by a butcher who shows her another way of life, bloody and uncouth, but vibrant, corporeal and ultimately hopeful.
SMITHFIELD is a highly visual and imaginative fairy tale with (literally!) added meat, celebrating the bleeding heart of London.
Written & directed by Kate Hartnoll
Produced by Savannah James-Bayly
Lucy Blanchfield as Esme
Rick Stupple as The Butcher
Emily Jayne as Chloe
DOP - Maya Avidov
Production Designer - Declan O'Brian
Hair & Make Up - Philippa Johnston
Editor - Kate Hartnoll
Sound Design - Ruben Valdes